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新东方老板俞敏洪给团队主播们写了一封信,称呼他们是熊孩子们,就像是家有儿女的温馨画面。俞敏洪是英语学科科目培训的创始人,对教育学科的主题词汇是轻松掌握,董宇辉在直播间上线,对俞老师的词汇量做了肯定。英语词汇subject表达的就是“主题”和“学科”。subjectn.主题;学科adj.隶属的;易遭……的v.使隶属真题例句1Some AI software can analyze and optimize marketing email subject lines to increase open rates.一些人工智能软件能够分析和优化营销邮件主题,以提高邮件查看率。【2021·英语一·阅读理解】2How the whole image is then assembled and perceived is still a mystery although it is the subject of current research.尽管这是当前研究的主题,但如何组合和感知整个图像仍然是一个谜。【2020·英语一·阅读理解】3There is just one path for a lawyer in most American states: a four-year undergraduate degree in some unrelated subject, then a three-year law degree at one of 200 law schools authorized by the American Bar Association and an expensive preparation for the bar exam.在美国大多数州,成为律师只有一条路可走:花四年时间获得一个非法学专业的本科学位,然后在美国律师协会认可的200所法学院中的一所接受三年法学教育并取得学位,之后花重金准备律师资格考试。【2014·考研一·阅读理解】4If the subjects quickly chose a falsely flattering image—which most did—they genuinely believed it was really how they looked.如果被试者很快选择了一张比本人好看的虚假照片——大多数人都这么选了——那他们打心底相信这张照片就是他们真实的样子。【2014·考研二·阅读理解】5Today, professors routinely treat the progressive interpretation of history and progressive public policy as the proper subject of study while portraying conservative or classical liberal ideas—such as free markets and self-reliance—as falling outside the boundaries of routine, and sometimes legitimate, intellectual investigation.今天,教授们通常把对历史的进步解释和进步的公共政策作为合适的研究对象,而把保守或古典的自由主义思想——如自由市场和自力更生——描述为超出常规的边界,有时则描述为合法的智力调查。【2014·考研一·阅读理解】6Subjects exposed to fast-food flashes also tend to think a musical piece lasts too long.接触闪烁快餐标识的人也倾向于认为一段音乐持续的时间太长。【2013·考研二·阅读理解】7In 2006, the state went a step further, requiring that any extension of the plant's license be subject to Vermont legislature's approval.2006年,政府更进一步要求所有工厂许可证的延期都必须经过佛蒙特州立法机构的批准。【2012·考研一·阅读理解】8Meanwhile, this policy does nothing to ensure that the homework students receive is meaningful or appropriate to their age and the subject, or that teachers are not assigning more than they are willing to review and correct.与此同时,这一政策并不能确保学生收到的家庭作业是否有意义的,是否与他们的年龄和科目相适应,或者不能确保老师布置的作业是否超出他们愿意复习和改正的范围。【2012·考研二·阅读理解】9Alas, leadership is a slippery subject.唉,领导力是一个难以捉摸的话题。【2009·考研二·阅读理解】10The International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publisher says that there are more than 2,000 publishers worldwide specializing in these subjects.国际科学技术协会和医学出版商协会表示,全世界主营这些业务的出版商有2000多家。【2008·考研一·阅读理解】11Politics or, more broadly, the functioning of the state, is a major subject for journalists.政治,或者广义上说,国家的职能,是新闻记者报道的一个主要方面。【2007·考研一·阅读理解】12Furthermore, the legal system and the events which occur within it are primary subjects for journalists.此外,法律制度和与其密切相关的事件是新闻记者报道的重要主题。【2007·考研一·阅读理解】词根助记sub(从属,下面)+ ject(扔)→ 主题,科目在英语学习中,词汇是基础,“subject”一词在教育领域有着广泛的应用,在考研英语真题中的出现频率相当高。“The subject of this passage is the impact of technology on education.” 在这个句子中,“subject”意为“主题”,表示这篇文章主要讨论的是科技对教育的影响。“The subject of this article is the importance of early childhood education.” 在这个句子中,“subject”同样表示“主题”,表示这篇文章主要讨论的是早期儿童教育的重要性。“The subject of this course is American literature.” 在这个句子中,“subject”表示“学科”,表示这门课程的主要内容是美国文学。“The subject of this study is a group of high school students.” 在这个句子中,“subject”表示“学生”,表示这项研究的对象是一群高中生。“The subject of this test is mathematics.” 在这个句子中,“subject”表示“科目”,表示这次考试的科目是数学。“subject”在教育语境中有着丰富的用法和含义,教育领域的专业词汇是考研英语复习的重要内容,考生需要花更多的时间和精力去学习和掌握。


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